The market for wastewater treatment technologies is set to double by 2020
The wastewater treatment sector is considered to be the fastest growing global business.

According to the UN Water Agency's research, the introduction of waste technologies in the agriculture and heavy industry sectors by 2020 should be double of today´s level. This industry is therefore considered to be the fastest growing global business of recent years.
Countries should invest an average of over 22 billion US dollars in the recovery and regulation of their wastewater management. Together with the increasing political pressure to find alternative solutions to fast-disappearing drinking water supplies, the potential of this sector is high.
The aim is large agglomerations
Experts predicted a rocket-like boom in the industry in 2007, but the global economic crisis has blunted their forecasts.
Countries with huge agglomerations such as China, India or Brazil are probably the worst in the field of their wastewater treatment.
Excessive industrialization and agricultural cultivation forced them to invest in the regulation of waste management some43.2% of the total budget for 2015.
Map of Europe shows areas with critical drinking water scarcity. France, Germany and the UK have invested the most in wastewater treatment technologies so far.
Source: World Resources Institute, Aqueduct
The planned increase in investment in the waste management sector will also affect countries such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and South Africa where the drinking water shortage situation remains critical.
80 % of the sewage wastewater remains unused
The latest report speaks about 80%, sometimes up to 95% of waste water which is virtually unused drained into watercourses. The potential of recycled sewage wastewater in the agricultural, industrial and household sectors is still minimally used in 2018.
However, industrial wastewater treatment plants have begun to adapt in recent years and recycled wastewater is increasingly being used.
This was especially allowed by the membrane separation method, which according to experts should be up to 8% by 2020.
Membrane filtration in recent years in the wastewater management sector is a success because it is economically not heavily demandingwhile environmentally friendly.
Another method that would reduce the amount of unused wastewater in our rivers is the sludge removal method. In 2015, this method was second most used, especially in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
The reverse osmosis recycling methods, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and disinfection are kept behind the sludge removal method.
The opportunity for business will be expanded
By 2030, worldwide demand for water will increase to 3,000 cubic kilometers, which is twice the total amount of wastewater produced.
Waste management has great potentialto create opportunities for research and implementation of new waste technologies or for the remediation and regulation of obsolete wastewater treatment plants..
Mining of mineral resources, energy and the paper industry are precisely those areas where tougher regulations for wastewater recycling are touched most.
Increased demand will hit several sectors
According to the latest reports, in the mining industry, the membrane filtration process will mainly involve the application of ceramic membranes.
In the energy industry willfocus itself on biological processes that remove selenium-based substances from water.
Oxidation processes using ozone are likely to record growth especially in the oil and gas industry.
We remain hopeful that in the coming years we will witness mentioned growth forecast for wastewater treatment technologies to the last letter.
Do you want to cooperate with Hydrotech-group? Contact us, we are ready to offer you 40 years of experience and planning in the field of wastewater treatment and regulation.
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