
The United Nations want to keep water for future generations. How do they prevent a deepening water crisis?

During the celebration of this year's International Day of Water, the United Nations launched an initiative that will last for a decade.

The United Nations initiative should lead countries to learn how to properly redistribute available water resources, how to build quality water supplies and how to secure appropriate hygiene conditions for their inhabitants.

Water as a sustainable source

The World Financing Forum has ranked the deepening water crisis three times in a row among one of the most dangerous global problems of the present. The United Nations General Assembly, on these troubling reports, has responded over time by the resolution on the international action decade - Water as a sustainable resource.

The role of the international action decade is to raise awareness of the sustainable development of water resources, support existing water conservation programs and projects, and strive to reach objectives of the Agenda 2030.

World Water Day in March
The International Action Decade began on World Water Day on March 22, 2018 and ends on World Water Day on March 22, 2028.

So far, 43 countries and 77 projects from around the world have been involved in this initiative.

Decade 2018-2028 and climate change

The worsening water crisis is closely linked to advancing climate change in many areas.

The Decade 2018-2028 has therefore also focused on improving the living conditions of children living in areas with severe water scarcity.

Extreme dryness and a rise in temperature of 1 ° C lead to a 5% increase in the incidence of diarrhea in the affected area. Under conditions without sewerage and lack of clean water, dangerous diseases spread rapidly, with about 800 children being treated daily.

decade 2018 - 2028 for water conservation

The UN also cooperates with other world organizations

According to the WHO - World Health Organization, over the past 28 years, access to a safe water source has been improved for about two billion people.

Up to 800 million people still live without access to clean and drinkable water, and 2/5 of the world's population does not have proper sanitation facilities.

UN and UNICEF for water conservation

Against these unfavorable conditions, the WASH project, which was created under the auspices of UNICEF, has been fighting together with the action decade.

Approximately 100 teams work tirelessly to meet the Agenda 2030 targets, providing drinking water and basic social facilities for over 11 million people throughout the world in the past year.

the effort to save water
The proper sanitation and access to clean water is lacking in the countryside regions and affects up to 75% of the population.

People in countries with poor hygiene and without access to clean water are also given a helping hand by World Vision, which is involved in the largest private finance collection dedicated to support for rural areas.

We keep the hygiene and cleanliness of the environment as close as possible to the World Day of Toilets, which will take place on Monday, November 19th. Do you join us?

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