Water demand increase of 50 % estimated by 2030. We should focus more on wastewater treatment
The importance of wastewater treatment is growing. Most of the used water in the world is still not regulated, which causes major pollution.

Wastewater tretmant is becoming more and more important. The need of proper wastewater treatment became the keynote of UN’s campaign at the occasion of The World Water Day. Most of the water from households worldwide is still not treated and reused at all.
Water contaminated with chemicals and/or faeces flows to the ecosystem and, as a matter of course, significantly impacts our society and nature.
Contamination values are alarming
According to the figures published by World Water Day’s organisers, celebrated on 22 March every year, 1.8 billion people use water contaminated with faeces.
Inadequate sanitation kills an estimated 842,000 people every year and increases the risk of contracting cholera, typhoid and polio.
Society must aim for wastewater treatment
Information provided by UN supplements the figures and proves that 80% of the total volume of used drinking water flows back into the ecosystem without being treated or reused.
This means that 80% of contaminated water from households, municipalities, industry and agriculture flows to the rivers, seas and soil without being treated or reused, and has huge impact on the environment.
Large amount of wastewater could be, after proper treatment in wastewater treatment plants, further reused for irrigation or industry purposes, without negatively affecting our ecosystem.
⦁ Municipal wastewater:
World Water Day informed about water demand increase of 50% by 2030 worldwide. Therefore, we have to constantly search after new possibilities of wastewater treatment.
This applies, to a considerable extent, to low-income municipalities which drain wastewater without proper treatment into the closest surface water.
⦁ Industrial wastewater:
Industry uses up to 22% of world’s water sources, whereas within following 10 to 20 years the percentage of industrial water use is estimated to rise fivefold.
Wastewater reuse shall thus become not only an ecological but also a financial issue.
⦁ Agricultural wastewater:
Due to the water shortage and high water costs in the agriculture sector, famers tend to incline more and more to unconventional water sources such as wastewater.
However, if adequate wastewater treatment is not available, underground and surface water is often contaminated during irrigation.
In order to protect our environment, we must secure eco-friendly wastewater treatment to exploit the full potential of wastewater reuse
Interested in wastewater treatment solutions? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will gladly help you choose the right wastewater treatment unit for your company.
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