
7 simple tips how to combat water pollution by plastic waste

Researchers have discovered small plastic particles also in Slovak drinking water sources.

Problems of water destruction by plastics do not only concern the oceans. A recent study has shown that small plastic particles also occur in Slovak drinking water sources. Every individual can fight against pollution.

A new continent emerged in the Pacific Ocean. It occupies an area three times bigger than France and it is made up of 80,000 tons of plastic waste. The so-called Great Pacific Waste Spot is a symbol of alarming global water pollution.

Only a small part of all human-used plastics is recycled, the rest ends in landfills and also in the water where they either float freely or break into small microplastics. According to the World Nature Conservation Fund, the oceans are flooded by eight million tons of plastic waste per year.

Those have a devastating impact on the whole ecosystems. In November, for example, in Indonesia, a whale was found that had more than a thousand pieces of plastic in the stomach. In its body, 115 plastic cups, bags, or even slippers were discovered.

If you still feel that these issues do not concern you, remember that the Slovak rivers and lakes suffer similarly. Researchers from Orb Media have discovered small plastic particles in Slovak drinking water sources as well.

Every individual has the opportunity to contribute to the mitigation of water pollution. We bring you seven tips to help clean up oceans, lakes and rivers from a plastic waste.

1. Recycle

Sustainability development in Slovakia is still in diapers. This is evidenced by the alarmingly high level of use of light plastic bags in stores. According to estimates, average Slovak uses 466 such bags per year, while for example the average Danes only four.

If you want to help to save the environment dispose of these plastic bags together with other plastic waste into waste containers designated for plastics. It's always better than if it will be floating in the river.

recycle plastics

2. Replace plastics

To become a real role model, try to replace commonly used plastic products with other materials. The aforementioned plastic bags might be a good start.

Previous generations have been able to live without them making shopping using only one or two larger canvas bags. There is a number of organic bags available on the market that can be an attractive fashion accessory, too. Be careful not to choose a bag made of plastic fibers.

replace plastics

3. Arm yourself against plastic

Before you go to your favorite music festival in the summer, remember the whale that was found with 115 plastic cups in its stomach. Many people regard them as a great hygienic invention, but in fact they are a major threat to the environment.

To limit it, for example, you can take your own bottle or cup and have a beer poured in it. You can also do something similar in restaurants or canteens where you would commonly be provided with plastic cutlery.

Arms against plastics

4. Prepare your own meals and drinks as much as possible

No working man will probably avoid meals in the restaurants and meals mentioned, but if time allows so, try to prepareyour own meals as often as possible.

Have one or two boxes in which you will bring your food to work. It's certainly greener than investing in semi-finished products whose packaging can end up in the water.

You can also go for drinks - replace the juice in a plastic bottle with your home-made orange juice or lemonade.

5. Get rid of maladies associated with plastic

Have you ever considered the real meaning of drinking a drink through a straw? The thirst is extinguished just as well without it and the taste experience is also the same. Strawberries are one of the greatest enemies of the oceans and are an ideal candidate for a plastic malady that you could surrender.

If this is not the case, you can replace plastic straps with metal. Another candidate may be chewing gum. A lot of people don´t know, but most chewing gums contain hardly degradable plastics.

ecological possibilities of plastics

6. Search for organic companies

Even in Slovak stores, a sense of consciousness whose goal is not only profit but also the promotion of environmental protection is gradually being present. If you'd like you'll find options to avoid excessive purchasing of goods in plastic containers.

We know, for example, milk dispensers or detergent dispensers´ plastic containers. If you are an owner of a business try to think about how you could limit plastics in production, distribution, or sales process.

7. Engage in water purification

If you want not only to prevent pollution but also to actively repair damage, you do not need to be a 16-year-old Dutch genius who has devised a system for collecting plastic waste in the oceans.

Even a normal person has a chance to work with a number of civic associations or non-profit organizations to protect water.

First thing you might want to do is to be aware of your own waste disposal or for instance pick up a plastic cup from the ground when you see somebody throwing it away.

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